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Culinary & Medical Herbs

Are you an herbalist at heart? Does the
thought of having fresh basil and chives growing on your windowsill get
you excited? Are you interested in learning more about the many uses for
medicinal herbs?
Then an indoor herb garden is for you!

windowsill herb garden

We present below three types of hydroponic herbs for you to explore:

  • Culinary herbs (chives, oregano, dill...)
  • Medicinal herbs (home remedies)
  • Pot (yep)... some good advice

   Culinary Herbs (Cookin' Spices)

One of the real joys of hydroponics is
the re-discovery of fresh kitchen herbs! Once you have used and tasted
them, you won't want to go back to bottled.

hydroponics is a great way to grow herbs. But we recommend that you
keep a separate Hydro unit dedicated just for your herbs. Why? Veggies
are grown and harvested in 2-4 months, then it's time to clean out your
unit and start over.

Herb plants can be kept growing and providing for
up to a year! So keep a small separate indoor herb garden right there
in your kitchen.

Plant 4 or 5 of your favorite ones, and
harvest straight from the plant into your stew! You will soon become a
gourmet cook! There is no comparing the savory, sharp and flavorful
fresh hydroponic herbs to the dried out, processed, "dead" bottled
spices from the grocery store.

Whether you opt for a traditional
soil-based planter or a water-garden; if you love fresh herbs, just do it!

We always keep a planter of fresh
hydroponic herbs going year-round. It adds a charming earthy touch to
our kitchen. We have searched and experimented and settled on this
self-contained hydroponics unit which we recommend for your separate
kitchen indoor herb

   AEROGARDEN® by AeroGrow

herbs on the grill

This is a compact aeroponic (root-misting)
unit that is very popular with herb-growers. It has a built in canopy
with grow lights, so is great for a dim kitchen. It can be tucked into a
corner so is great for smaller kitchens, too.

Includes little
pre-planted "seed pods". You can even make your own seed pods later. You can also grow lettuce or patio tomatoes in
the Aerogarden
®. A fun little unit for growing herbs that we love!


  • Advantages:
  • Easy setup; totally automated; idiot-proof
  • An excellent intro to hydoponics; a great gift for a child or that "black thumb" you know
  • Disadvantages:
  • Needs height; the light canopy lifts up to 22" for full-grown plants
  • Expensive at retail price ($139-149) But, they have a smaller unit:

my aeroponic herbs

This was my Aerogarden test in the early stage. Looks like a success! We now keep one year-round in the kitchen, and love it.

   Indoor Herb Garden: Seeds

Want to experiment with several different
culinary herbs? We found this really cool herb seed collection with 12 different species, sorted out in packets, with
planting instructions.

Cooking Herbs Starter Kit

If you don't want a dedicated hydroponic herb unit like we recommend above, you might find this kit useful. It includes a nursery and jiffy pots for starting several different culinary herb seeds and directions on transplanting to a big planter or even outside:

Culinary Herb Seeds Pack

For information on the different cooking herbs and their uses, check out our
Hydroponic Herbs page.

For medicinal (healing) and recreational herbs, please visit: Growing Herbs.

Return From Indoor Herb Garden to What To Grow


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