The Urban Farmer, cheap hydro supplies, new projects and more…

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The Urban Farmer, Issue #021

  Another New Site Page! * Sure to Grow? *
Goodies on tap


“I do not like broccoli. And I
haven’t liked it since I was a little kid
and my mother made me eat it. And I’m President of the United
States and I’m not going to eat any more broccoli”.

        ~George Bush, U.S. President, 1990



Lookin’ for hydro stuff?

Wanted to tell you about a new section of our website… “Cheap Hydroponics
Supplies”. We’ve started with a short listing of some of our favorite affordable
equipment and supplies, and will be adding to it from time to time as our
resource list, and hydro plans offered, grows. So check back often.

Why not have a look-see right now?

Cheap Hydroponics Supplies



We received a submission from Trevor B. the other day:

I was wondering if you have tried the newest medium on the
market. The Sure to Grow (STG). I have began using it and it is by
far the best medium on the market as far as ease of use. Just
thought maybe you could give it try. It is outstanding.

Thanks for the tip, Trevor, we are going to try it soon on some new
starts. In the meantime, has anyone else tried Sure To Grow? If so,
please let us know what you thought of it, we will figure out
together if this is the next cutting edge hydro products.

Here’s a link if you want to try some of the Sure To Grow seeding cubes: